
The scientific name of ginger is Zingiber officinale, which is used extensively as a spice and for its medicinal properties. This spice is believed to have originated from the Indian subcontinent. Ginger is used as an ingredient in many food items, including the preparation of herbal tea and ginger wine. Ginger has a wide range of medicinal properties, including its ability to ease the side effects of chemotherapy. Ginger exports from India have been increasing rapidly in recent years.

Santosh Agro is one of the leading exporters in India with extensive experience and expertise in this field.

Product Details:

  • Packaging: As per the buyer’s requirement
  • Availability: Round the year

Quality Specification:

  • Clean
  • Practically free of any visible foreign matter (in the case of washed roots)
  • Practically free of serious dirt and impurities (in the case of unwashed roots)
  • Practically free from pests
  • Practically free from damage caused by pests
  • Fresh in appearance and firm
  • Free of discoloration of the flesh, such as grey or black streaks
  • Not forked
  • Free of secondary root growth
  • Not hollow
  • Not woody, fibrous, or spongy
  • Free of abnormal external moisture
  • Free of any foreign smell and/or taste.

We strictly follow the UNECE standards for Ginger. please check the attached specification sheet for more details
