Green Coconut
India plays a significant role in global coconut and related product supplies. At Santosh Agro, we specialize in exporting fresh coconuts that are rich in nutritional value. Our focus is primarily on the following coconut varieties:
Product Details:
- Varities : Green coconut, Matured coconut
- Weight : 500 gm and above
- Packing : As per the buyer requirement
- Availability : August, October, November, December, January, February
Quality Specifications:
- Our coconuts are free from pesticide residues and sodium metabisulphite contaminants.
- We adhere to UNECE standards and regulations to ensure product quality and safety.
- Coconuts are intact and sound.
- They are clean and practically free of any visible foreign matter.
- Coconuts are practically free from pests and damage caused by pests.
- They are free of abnormal external moisture.
- There is no foreign smell or taste.
- Our coconuts are able to withstand transport and handling.
- They are brown, uniform, and without excessive fibers.
- Coconuts are free from cracks, pests, or fungus.
- They do not have sunken or wet, moldy eyes.